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Submit a Poster!

1. Graduate student poster session

  • Posters from graduate students can be on any plant breeding related topic.  

2. Undergraduate student poster session

  • Posters from undergraduate students can be on projects or literature reviews of any plant breeding or plant related topic (breeding, crop production, environmental science, genetics, soil science, agrometeorology, among others). 

3. Deadline

  • Abstract consideration for student speaker
    Speaker from outside of Iowa State: February 14, 2025
    Speaker from Iowa State: February 14, 2025
  • Poster abstract submission: February 28, 2025

Graduate and undergraduate students are encouraged to join the poster competition. 

Printed posters should be no larger than 36 inches x 48 inches and can be landscape or portrait-oriented.

Information on where to submit posters will be added when registration for the event opens.

Evaluation of poster presentation

There will be 4 to 5 judges to evaluate each presentation based on the following rubrics:

1. Visual impact (33%): balance of text, figure, and white space, section headings, and consistency in font size and type.

2. Scientific content (33%): Clear hypotheses, objectives/ goals, key materials and methods, clear and concise conclusions and discussion, and contribution to the field of plant breeding.

3. Presentation (33%): presentation did not exceed 3 minutes, good responses to questions, mastery of the topic.

Submit a poster

You can sign up to present a poster when you register.

For any questions, contact Memis.